Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Went climbing with H after work. This is my first climb after getting belay certified, and I was concerned I had forgotten everything already:)

I did my usual warm up on an easy 5.8 wall, then belayed H up a easier 5.9. After her descent, she asked if I want to try the same wall. "It felt quite easy," she said...

I saw her went up with relative ease, so figure I would give it a shot. I had to take several breaks along the way, and struggled on some rocks, but finally managed to reach the top. H was very encouraging, letting me rest as I requested and not letting me give up. I greatly appreciate that.

I must admit I was only able to do that specific 5.9 wall, and I couldn't even get more than 5 feet off the ground on another 5.9 wall:( Overall though, I was happy I am making small improvements.

Now, to conquer that one 5.8 wall with overhang consistently, without taking breaks!

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