Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Finally done!

It is finally done.

During March, S came visit from Chicago, followed by J from San Diego. I was extremely happy to get in contact with old friends and was inspired to write a quote by Confucius: "To have friends come visit from afar, is it not a joyous occasion?" (有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?).

The writing must have special power, because T came visit from Singapore while I was working on the work...

The writing is done in seal script(篆书). The seal script is an ancient font, almost from the age of Confucius.

This is actually my second attempt. In my first attempt, I wrote the wrong word (悦instead of乐) for joyous:(

For privacy reason, I removed my name from the work...



Unknown said...

Well done! :)

Jeanne said...

That's awsome!
Where did you learn this?
I'm interested in it. :)