Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Trip to Singapore 7-CK

CK is one of my closest childhood friend. We met each other in Primary school and were in the same class for 6 years. As luck would have it, we were again in the same class through 4 years of Secondary school. We went to the same junior college, and despite being in different group, continue to hang out together.

I always considered CK the smartest person I know. Right out of college, he found his own company, which was bought out by a listed company. He is now back in his own company, working on new project.

We lost touch in the past few years and I am happy to find out he is now married and has a beautiful daughter.
This Singapore trip had been very interesting. I met with many of my friends, most of which were about my age. I had a sense we are all near the mid-life crisis age now. Most of my friends are quite successful in career and family, but now are looking into doing something more in this life. I guess in some way, I had similar feelings too.

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