Sunday, April 15, 2007

People Paddle 2007

First, a big Thank You for all your support to make my paddling at this year's People Paddle event possible. I have raised a total of $270 for Project Open Hand.

This morning, I got to SF at 8:15am. I was forced to drive as both Bart and Caltrain do not have service that can get me to Pier 40 at 8am. Found a free parking spot across from Delancey Street restaurant, so the day is off to a great start!

I signed in, grab a little breakfast, got my PFD (personal floatation device, not PDF:), listen to last minute paddle and safety instructions and was in the water at about 9:30am.

I had asked for a sit on top kayak, but regret a little this morning. Having taken a self rescue class, I am fully qualified to use a sit inside kayak, which is faster and more manuervable.

We were in formed of a course change due to weather and instead of going from Pier 40 to the Bow and Arrow, we went south toward China Basin (that's where Barry Bonds hits those home run:) and went up the mission creek.

Before the kayak race officially started, we were blessed by the "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence". The sisters are 5 drag queens, which definitely gave the whole event a San Francisco feel:)

A funny thing happened on my kayak back from China Basin to Pier 40. A couple in 2 person kayak ran into my kayak twice. The husband, paddling in the front apologise profusedly, saying "We're sorry, but I am not the one steering". That statement did not sit very well with his wife, paddling in the back.

During our trainig, the instructor had specifically told couples in double kayaks to take it easy, saying double kayaks are nicknamed "Divorce boats" for a reason. I hope those 2 make it:)

The entire trip took 2 hours, but with the relatively calm bay water, gorgeous weather, sun shine and cool breeze, it went by very quickly.

I docked at about 12:20pm, had a quick snack, then sat and enjoyed free music outside Java House. There was an award ceremony to honor the person who raise the most funds and the fastest kayaker, presented by the above mentioned "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence".

The entire event ended at about 1pm. Definitely a pleasant way to spend a beautiful spring Sunday morning.

For people whose interest in kayaking are piqued by my description, City Kayak offers this same kayaking trip, plus Bow and Arrow for ~$70.

Here is the SF Sentinel blog posting on the event. I am in the last picture, wearing a blue baseball cap.

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