Sunday, June 1, 2008

Cherry picking at Brentwood

H and I went to Brentwood to pick fresh fruits. Brentwood is located about an hour from South Bay and is known for its u-pick orchard.

At this time of the year, cherries are in season. We left south bay at about 11:30am. Our first stop was at Pomeroy Farm, since it was located closest to the freeway.

From Marsh Creek Road, the trees in the orchard looked bare. There was a 5lb min for u-pick and we were concerned if we could meet that requirement. As we entered the farm, we were told there were still fruits on trees in the back, which was where we headed.

Both Bing cherries and white Rainier cherries were grown at Pomeroy. This year, the Bing cherries tasted sweeter than the Rainier, probably due to the unusual weather pattern of wet winter/dry spring/cold spell that we had lately. We filled our bucket with a mixture of Rainier and Bing, while tasting fruits from the trees.

After picking a 5lb load, and feeling full from all the snacking, we headed out of Pomeroy farm to pick other fruits.

As we drove around, we saw Bacchini's Fruit Tree. They offered blackberry, loquarts, pluots and peaches. We stopped.

The farm had a row of loguarts trees, which were totally bare. We were done with cherries, so tried the pluots, which was in season. We also tried some peaches, but they were not quite ready. We also tried our hand at blackberry picking. Blackberry was very difficult to pick. We had to search for riped berries and the trees were full of thorns.

We went to a few more farms, but did not pick anymore fruits.

After hanging out in Brentwood a little longer, we decided to head back.

Dinner was at Little Sheep Hot Pot. After a whole day of eating fruits, the warm broth of the hotpot felt very soothing.

After dinner, we walked around Lake Elizabeth at Fremont Central Park to ease our overly stuffed stomach.

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